Friday, December 12, 2008

The band I was in before I became an exile

This is the band which I left to come and live abroad. I was playing with them for 7 years altogether. We wrote some fair old songs I suppose.

Shame I decided to leave but I couldnt stay where I was (Leicester). And I cant stay here either.


steenbeck said...

Hello Sourpus. I really like it. Lyrically, musically, all good, really good. What did you play? Where can I hear more?

sourpus said...

Glad to hear it. One of the reasons I stayed so long in the band was because I believed in us and our 'plan' to try to ignore fashion and make something that still sounded good after 20 years. Its now 12 years old and I think it still works. Thanks for the compliments. There is one other track on You Tube called 'Friends', which you can find in the same place as this one. As I mentioned on the blog, there is a video we made to promote 'Go' and i'll try and get it posted here at some point. We were a very democratic band, sharing the playing between us, as well as the writing. With 'Go' I mainly contributed acoustic guitar and backing vocals. Cheers for now!

ToffeeBoy said...

I think I can hear a few of our common influences there, sourpus. Very nice, great melody - I'll certainly give it some more listens!

sourpus said...

Thanks ToffeeBoy, good to know you like the stuff. The common influences question is very interesting - the band and I had them obviously, but the pool of truly common influences was relatively small between us, as we all had such wide ranging taste.

(Quick background biog: When we started out, as a loud electric band called Storyville - on Nursery Records - we used to do these acoustic B sides and eventually (since we liked them so much) our B sides became our A sides.)

Our common pool when we met was things like Bowie, Lou Reed, Neil Young, Dylan and Television. We also had the period 1968 to 72 which we all seemed to hold in high esteem for different musical reasons.

The musical influences which you (TB) and I (SP) share would seem to be things like early EBTG, Prefab Sprout and of course Jonathan, although I think there are quite a few more. I guess though, now you mention it, I CAN hear some of those sounds in the music I was part of making - fascinating, as i'd never really properly considered it before.

You're a (ex-)player yourself, I understand. Wont you tell us more about this?